Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated

Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated


La Familia of Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is a brotherhood composed of undergraduate, graduate, and professional men internationally, established on December 26th, 1931. Phi Iota Alpha is the Oldest Latino Fraternity in Existence. We dedicate ourselves toward the empowerment of our Latino community by providing intensive social and cultural programs and activities geared toward the appreciation, promotion and preservation of the Latin American Culture.

As a Latino Fraternity whose roots stem back to the late 1800's, we cherish and live by the ideals set forth by our forefathers. In this manner, Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity distinguishes itself from other Greek lettered organizations. Our organization prides itself in the ability to motivate people, develop leaders, and create new ways to unite our community. We challenge ourselves by supporting and developing a strong network for the advancement of our people. To this end, each member swears loyalty not only to himself but also to a greater cause, his people and Latin America.

The legacy of the Delta chapter of Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc. first manifested during the Fall semester of 1987 by five distinguished men. The founding fathers of the Delta chapter consisted of James ‘Rizo’ Iniguez, James ‘Chicho’ Navares, Nauel ‘Vano’ Ramos, Rey ‘Pinguino’ Rosario, and Rudy ‘Adobo’ Garcia. When these five men crossed into the realm of Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc. during the Fall 1988 semester, they were the first Latino based organization to join the University at Albany campus. Together these men worked diligently to establish positive relationships with administrators, professors and fellow organizations such as Student Association and Fuerza Latina to promote academic excellence, community service, and serve as a voice for the Latino community.

Brother Jose Maymi created Fuerza Latina’s most anticipated event known as the “National Latino Collegiate Conference (NLCC)” during his time as an undergrad at the University at Albany. A second effort to help showcase the Latino presence on the University at Albany campus was the creation of the Latino Greek Council (LGC) by brother Adam Ortiz. As the Latino Greek population began to expand, brother Adam Ortiz took the initiative to establish a council that would allow Latino Greeks to operate in a structured and professional manner.

In Spring 2005, in recognition of Eta chapter brother Luis ‘Apasionado’ Beltre who passed away from Sickle Cell Anemia, brothers Jermaine Pena, Wander Falette, Rafael Curbelo and Rosselio Arias successfully hosted the first Sickle Cell Anemia Awareness banquet. The chapter adopted Sickle Cell Anemia as its philanthropy and would continue to host annual banquet in honor of Luis ‘Apasionado’ Beltre and other Sickle Cell Anemia individuals across the world.

Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, is committed to the development of professional leaders through shared experiences and fostered lifelong brotherhood. These men continuously promote the ideals of Pan Americanism via intellectual dialogue, cultural awareness and community service.

Contact Information

9322 3rd Avenue Suite 412 Brooklyn, NY 11209
New York, NY 10165
United States
Contact Email E:
Phone Number P: 631-260-9181
Fax Number F: 917-397-6411
This organization has no officers.